
Welcome to Phase One NimbusQA

NimbusQA is a cloud-based service designed to simplify the calibration and verification of digital reproduction systems, specifically tailored for photographers and Heritage professionals. While many image quality workflows have been commonly available, NimbusQA offers a simplified and enhanced experience for legacy users. By providing free access to comprehensive reproduction target analysis, NimbusQA empowers operators to realize the highest standards of accuracy and quality in digital preservation. Users can verify that each digital reproduction system is configured with precision, ensuring the highest possible image quality even for the most demanding heritage digitization and preservation projects. By meeting, or exceeding, the strict image quality standards set by cultural institutions, NimbusQA guides the user to the highest possible precision in every capture, offering confidence and reliability in the results.

With NimbusQA, users can easily upload files from their preferred capture software or camera to receive detailed analysis against industry standards such as FADGI, ISO 19264, and Metamorfoze. The platform currently supports various test targets including Golden Thread Device level target, QA-62, Digital Colorchecker SG, FADGI ISO 19264, and Image Engineering UTT TE262 A3/A4.

The service is provided by Phase One in cooperation with Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center in Poland.

For more information, support or feedback, please contact Phase One support here.

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